Available Kittens


We are expecting a Siamese/Oriental litter in mid October!!


Available Kitten

AutumSun Drambuie
Blue Lynx/Tabby Point with White Siamese
Born 6/19/24 and available at the end of October 2024
Please write for more information


Available Adults

Photo by Larry Johnson
TGC Balimoor TN Honey of AutumSun
Blue Spotted Tabby Oriental Longhair


AutumSun General Patton
Chocolate Lynx Point with White Balinese


If you are interested in our cats / kittens, please complete the Contact Form on this website. The form is used not only to indicate interest in a specific available cat / kitten but also to be added to our waiting list.

Thank you for your interest in our cats and kittens!