As mentioned
on the About Us page, our cattery started with the American Bobtails.
We are extemely proud of Hershey Kiss! He was the first International
Championship cat after the breed was recognized by The International
Cat Association (TICA).
SGC AutumSun Hershey Kiss
Chocolate Spotted Tabby 8/2001 - 11/2018
The American
Bobtail is a naturally occurring breed of short tailed cats. The
foundation stock of this breed comes from feral cats, possessing
a natural short tail. The true development of this breed began
in the late 1960's. A young couple on vacation discovered a brown
tabby kitten with a short tail on an Indian reservation. They
brought the little fellow home and named him "Yodi".
When young Yodi became of age, he romanced the couple's female
cat "Mishi", a non-pedigreed domestic color point. The
resulting kittens inherited Yodi's unusual short tail.
The kittens
soon caught the eye of family friend Mindy Schultz, who saw the
possibility to establish a new breed of felines. The first written
standard for the American Bobtail called for a long hair, color
point cat with boots. With time, the standard has evolved to accept
all patterns and all colors of Bobtails, as well as coats in short,
medium and long lengths.
AutumSun Midnight Hole
Black Solid
Thomas Divide
Black Silver Mac Tabby
TGC AutumSun Kanati Ridge
Brown Classic Tabby
SGC Angelbobs Cataloochee of AutumSun (Lucee)
Brown Spotted Tabby
The American
Bobtail is a medium to large powerfully built, naturally occurring
short tailed cat. Being a product of natural selection, this is
a hearty breed with all of the intelligence and skill nature demands
of her predatory creatures. The American Bobtail displays the
look of an athletic animal, well muscled & solid in appearance.
The tail
is relatively short and can be slightly curved or knotted. The
length will vary and acceptable show lengths will depend on the
individual cat's stature. For show cats, the tail must be long
enough to be clearly visible above the cat's back when alert,
but not so long as to be past the hock when relaxed. The tail
can appear both longer and shorter than these lengths required
on show quality cats.
Bobtails should have a strong head with large, almost almond-shaped
eyes set under a distinctive brown giving the cat an exceptional
hunting look. The ears should be moderately large and placed as
much on top as on the side of the head. Ears with lynx tipping,
furnishings and thumb print ocelli are highly desirable.
will be proportionally larger than females and should possess
male characteristics. Females of this breed generally weigh 7-12
pounds, whereas their male counterparts have been known to weigh
anywhere from 12-20 pounds. This is a slow maturing breed that
will take 2-3 years to develop into a fully mature adult.